Ajith Sabaratnam
In the last 22 years, Ajith has helped hundreds of families attain their
benefits, whether it be death, critical and/or disability. With his extensive insurance familiarity and his friendly,
outgoing personality, Ajith has become more than an advisor, he has established longstanding and trustworthy
relationships in the network of clients and colleagues he had the privilege of meeting.
Qualification & Experience
Ajith Sabaratnam is a man of few words – but has a story that was built from many years of hardship, loss and
struggle to be the man he created himself to be today.
Ajith immigrated to Canada from Sri Lanka in 1983, taking on his first job distributing flyers in the neighborhood
together with working in housekeeping at the Ramada Hotel.
He then slowly transitioned into the financial industry, working in various departments at The Royal Bank of
Canada. After 12 years of his dedicated service, his employment was terminated due to the Y2K elimination. This
end point also served as the mere starting point for Ajith’s Life Insurance venture; joining one of the oldest
insurance companies in Canada – Clarica which merged into SunLife Financial. His initial year highlighted a great
achievement by being identified as “Rookie of the Year”, followed by being the #2 advisor of the year among 4000
advisors in Canada.
Ajith became one of the Top 10 insurance investment advisors in Canada which he maintained throughout his time
at SunLife Financial. He was recognized as the first Tamil speaking advisor to be part of a global, independent
association of the world’s leading life insurance and financial services professionals from more than 500 companies
in 70 nations and territories – The Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT). Aside from the endless acknowledgement
and plethora of awards, from the beginning, Ajith’s focus was providing the very best in customer service to each
Ajith took pride in holding prestigious positions at The Canadian Tamil Chambers of Commerce (CTCC), an
organization that aids in fostering and growing emerging small businesses while providing insight for established
ones. After 6 years at the CTCC, a special interest in raising awareness about mental health specifically among men
emerged, where he then created a platform to support Tamil Men on their journey towards improved wellness –
Mr. Tamil Canada. As a past president and co-founder, Ajith takes initiative in organizing and coordinating events
to help promote the health and welfare of men while focusing on reducing mental health related suicidal rates.
Following three years of creating awareness in Canada, the organization has now branched out worldwide to
educate and inform individuals globally as Mr. Tamil International.
With a heart and passion to help those in need, Ajith extends his aid back to his roots in Sri Lanka where he
sincerely believes that no man should become a victim to hunger. His projects of giving back highlights his efforts
to reduce starvation and provide a means of living to the less fortunate. His intentions birthed the implementation
of a dairy facility accessible to families, in addition to providing them with cattle and chicken farms to have a
sustainable income.
Ajith’s experience and knowledge has allowed him to now service his clients through his own practice: Ajith
Sabaratnam Insurance and Investments. In the last 22 years, Ajith has helped hundreds of families attain their
benefits, whether it be death, critical and/or disability. With his extensive insurance familiarity and his friendly,
outgoing personality, Ajith has become more than an advisor, he has established longstanding and trustworthy
relationships in the network of clients and colleagues he had the privilege of meeting.
Ajith’s purpose and passion has been, and continues to be, fueled by fortitude and willpower. Over the years of his
insurance experience, community involvement and the network of individuals he has come across, Ajith strongly
believes and humbly accepts that he is a work in progress.
“Success requires hard work, resilience, and the willingness to face fear, doubt, and mistakes. Despite these challenges, the opportunities for growth and achievement are limitless.”
– Ajith Sabaratnam